Currently disabled as it conflicts with the above one. Go to Plugins and activate Countdown builder and deactivate Countdown Timer Ultimate
Similar to the above, possibly more features, not so easy to use, requires the pro version for many features including colors.
Does not work so well with different browser widths
[countdown date="5 June 2022" format="dHMS" hour="18" minutes="54"]
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” countdown_end_type=”time” font_color=”#333333″ hide_on_mobile=”show” redirect_url=”” end_date=”02-06-2021 23:59″ start_time=”1622639494″ end_time=”47,1,1″ action_end_time=”hide” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ][/wpdevart_countdown]